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Coupon brokers & strange happenings at Target

January 16th, 2011 at 09:25 pm

Last week, there was an article about becoming a coupon broker. There is money to be had doing this.
I think you need to be extremely organized and patient. It involves a lot of time doing tedious tasks (sorting, clipping, organizing).

I purchased a lot of 16 coupons for a specific product I use regularly on e-bay. It cost $23 (including shipping)for coupon values totalling $48.
Ordinarily, I would not bid this high. I had a $25 gift card I wanted to use up. The amount of the gift card is nominal for the kind of purchase I would want to make on e-bay. I don't want to incur additional debt so the gift card was not good for me. The person selling made a tidy sum. If you have the time and patience, it can pay off.

A side story....a woman in line in front of me at Target was on the phone with her husband while checking out. Her 7 month old baby was trying to get out of the cart and she just watched her. She commented to her husband their daughter was trying to get out of the cart but did nothing about it. The woman continued chatting with her husband when the cashier rang the total and took her mastercard. Transaction completed, right? Oh no, the woman looked down at her hand full of coupons and started SCREAMING into the phone "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" "I FORGOT THE COUPONS". She carried on for a good 3-4 minutes. Finally, she turned off and walked over to the courtesy counter asking if she could get credit for her coupons.

Pet peeve......don't talk on the phone when you should be A)paying attention to your child, b)paying attention to the cashier.

It was shocking and funny at the same time.

8 Responses to “Coupon brokers & strange happenings at Target”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Yeah. I'm with you. But I also hate talking on the phone. What do these people really think is so important that they need to talk all the time?

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I agree. It's a few moments of your time to stop the conversation and pay attention to the cashier and task at hand.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I hate talking on phones too! I don't even have a cell phone!

  4. CB in the City Says:

    I don't like to talk on the phone either. Wonder if frugal people in general don't care for phone talk.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I think when you get up to a cashier the thing to do is end your conversation. Of course, I generally just don't answer my phone in a store unless I know who/why I'm getting a call.

  6. patientsaver Says:

    There's something about people talking into their cell phones while out in public that bothers me. Usually you can tell it's random conversation. It just seems....antisocial to me; they're completely absorbed in talking on the phone and they don't see what's going on in the world around them. I would think pickpockets would have a field day with that. The worst, of course, is people talking on the phone while driving.

  7. WISEWOMAN Says:

    I think people who chatter endlessly in public are seeking attention. Do you really think everyone wants to hear your conversation? They think it makes them important.

  8. frugaltexan75 Says:

    This Christmas while I was at the airport waiting for my plane, there were two conversations going on near me. One was this guy talking on a cell phone to his mom. The other was two complete strangers - a man and a woman.

    Both conversations consisted of things which I was just shaking my head at - the cell phone conversation was just loud and about stupid inconsequential stuff. It was like the guy was bored, and his mom must have been bored too ... The guy and the gal ... yikes! The guy was sharing about his wife who he'd just left in the hospital in the tail end of a coma. While he was at home gathering things, he found out his wife had a secret bank account where she stashed her monthly salary ... He then preceded to tell how much she made ... and it goes on from there.

    My dad is someone who will also answer his phone almost wherever he is. I've called him sometimes and we'll be talking away, and then I'll hear something in the background. Come to find out that he's about to check out at some store! I've tried to tell him that just because you have a phone on you doesn't mean you *have* to answer it. But, he doesn't get that.

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